Face Painting
Face Painting
Living Vines
Simply divine...
Pumpkin Carving Classes
Oh my gourd. #SquashGoals!
Scarecrow Stilt Walker
Scaring more than just crows.
Certified Lipsologist & Lipsology Teacher
Frankenstein Stilt Walker
He's alive!
Wicked Witch Living Table
My table will get you my pretty!
Defining "Twist and Shout."
Zombie Stilt Walker
Raising the dead.
Halloween Characters
Living Plant
Can you spot him?
Living Dead Buffet Table
Caution: not edible.
Pumpkin Decorating
Skip the mess.
Mask Decorating
Maquerade in the mask you made.
Michael Jackson Impersonator
King of Parties
Pyrographic Artist
The hottest art there is.
Pumpkin Carvers
Masters o' the Jack-o-Lantern.
Sword Swallowers
Now you see it, now you don't.
Balls and saws.
Stilt Walkers
What's cooler than a 10 foot man?
Fortune Tellers
Your future never looked so promising.