Welcome to the big leagues
Party Hieroglyphics
An artsy collage that spells your name!
Live Event Artist
Beautiful artwork made while you party!
Polaroid Photo Station
We're taking photos like it's 1999
Digital Caricature Artists
The digital truth through exaggeration.
Lady Gaga Impersonator
She was born this way.
Wax Hands
Wax on, Wax off
The Three Waiters
Serving songs.
Living Plant
Can you spot him?
The Tinker Man
You've been Tink'd.
Living Buffet Tables
The only breathing table around.
Michael Jackson Impersonator
King of Parties
Justin Bieber Impersonator
Angelia Jolie Impersonator
Wait till you see our Brad look-a-like.
Pyrographic Artist
The hottest art there is.
Graffiti Artists
Who ever said graffiti art was illegal?
Etch-a-Sketch Artist
Lineographic portraits.
Airbrush Body Artists
Giving flabby Dads six packs for decades.
Living Statues
The only decoration that breathes.
Mentalism and Mind Reading
Fortune Tellers
Your future never looked so promising.
Photo Booths
Capture your crazy in strips of four.
Glitter Tattoos
All that glitters really is gold.
Party Scopes Photo Keychains
Turning heads on the boardwalk.
Patch Hats
Hats any way you want them.
Green Screen Photography
Your chance to run from a T-Rex.
Foto Fun
Photo favors in a flash.
Henna Tattoos
Elegance wherever you want it.